
one step more...

 one step more... ~some motivation for you? You are letting the time fly and then you are bewildered that where has the time flown? after hearing millions of influencing short quotes, you don't find that one which you are hoping to hear while scrolling reels. You feel bad when you misuse time but remain glued with your phone for hours and see others going up high and touching the sky, who are flooded with achievements. You'll definitely say, "This is JUST a phase, it'll go after some time. I sometimes have free and non- busy days, so I also deserve a break." Will you not say that or even think about it once? Yes, you will! Maybe you'll not think about it much but that one minor thought about it will come and leave you the wrong path just like, you wanted to go to Kashmir, but you landed in Pakistan. This example is funny but the situation you are in is not hilarious and until and unless you do get out of the problem by finding it's solution you cannot succ

Nature's symphony

 Poem by Mishka- Nature's symphony The pearls of the garden curl up their petals, The antediluvian mixtapes endure playing. The serene smile passed on me by the little, And the lush, wet grass sprinkles few drops of water when rubbed over. Her perfect sight forced me smiling, From the rain to start showering. To soaking me and my shadow in the era of divine, Gazing for hours but don't know how time flew. I found myself dozing off on the bench on which I sat with her, When it was calm, but now I wake up mystified thinking I have hand on her but authentically on the frosty dew.

Is living like a kid easy?

 Is living like a kid easy? Kids are artistic and fearless beings, whereas adults are responsible and mature persons. It is no doubt easy to live life as a kid because they have minor issues to worry about, but adults have uncountable consequential topics to think about. Kids can cherish the cheerful moments to the fullest whereas adults' phones keep ringing "trr,trr!". They have phone calls related to work, work and work.     It tells us that life becomes more complicated when we grow up to be more responsible and mature citizens to build a brighter future. So, without caring much about the world we should just do what we aspire to do whenever we want it to do.  

Thoughts behind the poems of SERIES- ~eyes

  SERIES of poems- ~eyes By-mishka About- The thoughts behind the Series of poems ~eyes Hey! I'm sure you did not miss out my latest series of poems ~eyes. It's all about the pulchritudinous eyes I have ever imagined. But my desire is not only writing poems which I only don't understand. My desire is to connect with my readers from some or the other way.  In the series of poems ~eyes I have covered few thoughts of myself and the people around me who think like me. I have covered them in a poetic way. To make it clear I'm writing to you all about what are the central ides of the poems.  Here we go! 1. miDnight blUe eyEs I dove in them in the first sight.  How can I come back? Please don't let me drown in this perilous ocean. It's dark in here, it's blue in here and it's peace in here. This paragraph is the idea behind the poem. Peace! Peace is something which is lacking in today's words. People are not united and are fighting amongst each other every

grEen eyes- ~eyes

 SERIES OF ~eyes gr E en eyes By- mishka I have emerald eyes. Just like sparkling green lights Indeed, they are resplendent.  Indeed, they are fascinated by my eyes. Cause they have never seen these types of elegant eyes. Also, all of 'em have black sight.  When I see the dazzling Sun beams Through the dense forest full of trees I get lost in the scene I see through your eyes. Which is all about peace.  I can't stop gazing in them I say. And can gaze in them all day.

viOlet eYes- ~eyes

 SERIES- ~eyes viOlet eYes  By- mishka Yes, she has violet eyes. Not violet but lavender They are charming as they twinkle when she cries. They say her eyes are elegant. They say her eyes are cleaver. But, why? Why does the world want to judge everything? Why do these people have to know about everything? Why? I gaze the globe from these beauteous eyes, I converse the unspoken talks with these eyes. I tell you about myself from these glamorous eyes. So, what complaint do you have? What do I not do from these eyes? Tell me, tell me from your black sight.                                                                       

miDnight bLue eyEs- ~eyes

 ~eyes  SERIES OF POEM By- mishka 1st poem of the series-  miDnight blUe eyEs Wandering in the garden Smelling the carmine rose Diving in the deep blue ocean which is in your eyes. Everything stopped when I looked into your eyes. Which were deeper than any known ocean Darker than royal blue Salter than any sea And more gorgeous than any eyes I dove in them in the first sight.  How can I come back? Please don't let me drown in this perilous ocean. It's dark in here, it's blue in here and it's peace in here.                                                                               

Is there a word know as PERFECT?

Is there a word known as PERFECT? If yes, then in which world? "Perfect!", says my uncle, "Perfectionism is very much needed in you", said my aunt, "Perfection is something which is lacking in you", says all the world. But what is this word PERFECT? It at least does not exist in my life dictionary, it doesn't either in people whom I know, mostly. But it does exist in the world. We should accept that no one is perfect, they have some flaws too. Man is creature which is never perfect. Maybe one is good at drawing but the other is not, maybe one is good at dancing but the other is not. It's just something we all are familiar with, right? I'm not perfect, you're not perfect and even the whole world is not perfect. We can always be better by practicing. I would like to conclude by writing- PERFECTIONISM doesn't take time, IMPROVEMENT takes time.                                                                                   

The MagiC of NatUre- Poem

The magic of nature Poem written by- Mishka  The rain, the puddles, the fragrance, the essence  And the last but nut not the least magic The magic, which is in the rainbow colored like puddles, and the cuddles. The magic of the clouds when they suddenly change their mood.  The magic which is overwhelming and feels like the planet was never rude. The zing, which feels like we need nothing else. The moment we touch the water, the moment we feel it The time in which you need your own company and do not have to be tense. Some say rain pours when the clouds are sad. It pours as their tears. But tears because of what, maybe the fears  While some folks say rain pours when the clouds are happy! All jolly!  What do you think? Is it all perfect going up there or the clouds need some time to fight their fears? But I cherish the rains, they come and go again and again. I dance in it, sing in it and enjoy it. Let is come! I'm waiting for it, because it has not come till yet.                    

Was that me?- Poem- By Mishka Gupta

  A poem about- The polarity between my childhood and current life Was that me? Written by- Mishka Gupta  They say I was, small better. But, why Maybe because all was blithe. At those times, I didn't even understand the meaning of life.  People came and went.  But I lay there in the green grass, lithe. Earlier I used to play with blocks. But now I want to invest in stocks.  When I was small, I didn't care about thinking about my future. But who knows, what I'll be one day? Maybe an aeronautical engineer, I say. I didn't even bother to study, when it was my age to crawl. But now I've learnt to stand up when I fall. I never cared about how I would look. Until I clicked my own picture  Dressed prim and proper with a charming smile. I was small, cute and often I would fall. But now I'm beautiful, talented and tall. I adore my personality. How I have grown, is a really crucial part of my journey. Maybe someday, I will change again. I'll find myself dancing in th

That LittLe DwaRf- Poem

  That little Dwarf   A cute, little poem written for my sister. Written by- Mishka Gupta  Who's that little dwarf.  I used to wonder.   I've seen her grow. Cry and get frightened in the thunder. 'AAH!' she creams, 'OUCH' she feels the pain.  But I'm bigger, she hits me so hard.  So, all her hard work goes in vain. They say I'm lucky to have a sister. I agree that time. But in reality, I'm not.  She is a short, outspoken stout. And in the selfies, she gives a perfect pout!

The FinEst FaThEr-Poem- Written by Mishka Gupta

 A cute, little poem written for the nicest person in the world! The Finest Father Written by-   My father is like an attractive  cake.   He's got numerous tastes.  Sometimes sweet, funny or sad                                                   He's tall, strict and fat!                                                      If you want to taste him                                                      Come over and bear him!                                                            I'm lucky that I have got him.                                                             A cake full of lovely flavors                                                              I taste in every day.                                                            I eat, talk and play.       With the best person the whole day!

ThoSe TiMeS- WriTtEn by- Mishka Gupta

About- Some thrilling experiences I'll cherish  lifelong. Those times Written by- Mishka Gupta  I used to wonder what is something I'll remember lifelong. Until I walked along the riverbank I was writing a rhyme. Just then I spotted a dolphin! Something I was willing to see from such a long time. I went in the ocean and felt it's presence. The presence of the friendly fish gave the sea a lovely essence. Though I was not able to go and touch it I knew it was there and was waiting for me. I used to wonder what is something I'll remember lifelong. Until on my 4th birthday I was surprised with amazing gifts I went to thank my parents and was opening the gifts in the lift. When it was time to thank them I went completely blank. Because it couldn't be expressed I loved it so much that I couldn't sleep that night. The next day I woke up by a bliss of light. The Sun that shone so bright I danced in it and kept on dancing. I am now 7 and still remember those tim

MetaMoRpHosIs: Can't we celebrate their change? - Poem

Metamorphosis How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly? Is this process painful, because I've never seen them  cry?   These insects enjoy their lives.  Though they don't have anybody to talk to They are an inspiration to the human lives. But we avoid them, is this nice? We should cherish and celebrate those moments. But how do we know, when to? But still can't we be kind to them?  But at least celebrate the change?  How does a tadpole change into a fully grown frog? I thought about it for a moment But the answer seemed to be miraculous? To understand the change, I walked in the attractive garden, the weather was great, because it was spring! I saw the whole  thing. And did not believe it. But when I pinched myself, and realized it was  real. I saw myself celebrating their change by dancing with hands up in the air! Written By- Mishka Gupta

Who's she?

Who's she? I used to see that auburn wavy hair.  I used to get happy after seeing them.  I couldn't see her face but did feel her pain.   She acts as if nothing happened.  But at the end of the day, she sits at the riverbank. She cries as if a lot has happened, facing at the back. She wants nobody to notice her.    Cause if they would, all is over for her!  The people she knows are just out of their mind all time.  How can she say that cause they say, 'She's mine!' How can she say goodbye to the people who've considered her, their all the time? How can she do that? This is what she's all about, a perfect example of the ups and downs. She's happy when she sees her sister. I know she's the only one who could understand her. Both are afraid of the truth.  But they hide it as what they are doin' is what they're up to  

KiNdNesS hAs nO PlAce In tOdAy's wOrLd

Kindness has no Place in today's world! Kindness, does it hold any significance in today's world? Does it? There are really few folks who cogitate about this word every single day. They desire to do something for the people who don't get that much respect that they should be getting. They want all the citizens of the world to be kind and have a pure heart. Can't we help them in succeeding?  A society without respect is a society doomed to failure. It  will be lost to chaos, conflict and eventual  destruction. People should understand the meaning of kindness. Have you heard the line 'Be kind' ? So why don't you follow it? It has become habitual for people, and they don't realize their mistakes at any time. Kindness can bring significant changes in the world. If we want the world to change, we have to change. Kindness is accepting people whom others can't accept. Be kink to all kinds. Kindness is saying sorry when you were wrong. It's not only abo

Learn To flY WitH TiMe

    Learn to fly with time Time is divided in three categories- Present which means currently, past which means you've already done it, you've already fought with the challenging times and the last but definitely not the least, the  future . It's something you cannot predict, it's unforeseeable. We should utilize time as a tool and not as a couch. Time flies, you should learn to fly with it because 'someday' is a disease that will take your dreams to grave with you. Why can't you do it today, why can't you? All we have is today, tomorrow will come after hours and yesterday has gone. If you wish to waste your time scrolling through Instagram reels and chatting with your friends, Congratulations! Cause you've passed to waste one more day! Being productive and creative the whole day will be really effective, and you'll observe how much you've improved. Following this for a few hours or a few days will not at all help you. Set an ambitious goa

HappY WorLd MusIc DAy!

For- All the mUsIc Lovers Greetings and Happy World Music Day to all! 1) Selena Marie Gomez-   Selena  was born in  Grand  Prairie, Texas.      She is an admired name in the music industry. She's an American singer, actress, producer and a businesswoman. She began her career    children's television series Barney and  Friends. She  also gained  prominence for starring as Alex Russo  on the Disney Channel. She has appeared in multitudinous films. After a while, she received numerous awards as a tribute to her hard work. Now, she's an independent woman. She is also famous for her song 'Good for You'. 2) Justin Bieber-    Justin Bieber is a Canadian singer and songwriter who was discovered via YouTube. He was born on March 1, 1994, in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Bieber is recognized for his genre-melding musicianship and global influence in modern-day popular music. His latest hits include "Let Me Love You," "Despacito (Remix)" and "I'm th

ThE JouRnEy mAttErs as mUcH As tHe GoaL

The Journey Matters as Much as The  Goal!   Yes, you read it right! The journey matters as much as the goal. Maybe, a person who has his first day in the football team is better than a person who is playing football for quite a few years. The astounding skills were an eye- opener to you. But then you realized that this was his first day only. Maybe this is what he learnt at school, and it was a smooth journey for him. You start comparing that person with yourself, you feel like you've done nothing in the past few years. Maybe all of us feel like this every other day, but now you also realize that it was not a smooth journey for you. You had hard and difficult times where you felt like giving up but on the other hand also thought that the journey matters as much as the goal. People sometimes by luck win or are better than you but by luck. See your goal is to become a sportsperson, you got selected in the football team and you are really happy! (For example) The day of your match ap