ThE JouRnEy mAttErs as mUcH As tHe GoaL

The Journey Matters as Much as The Goal!


Yes, you read it right! The journey matters as much as the goal. Maybe, a person who has his first day in the football team is better than a person who is playing football for quite a few years. The astounding skills were an eye- opener to you. But then you realized that this was his first day only. Maybe this is what he learnt at school, and it was a smooth journey for him. You start comparing

that person with yourself, you feel like you've done nothing in the past few years. Maybe all of us feel like this every other day, but now you also realize that it was not a smooth journey for you. You had hard and difficult times where you felt like giving up but on the other hand also thought that the journey matters as much as the goal. People sometimes by luck win or are better than you but by luck. See your goal is to become a sportsperson, you got selected in the football team and you are really happy! (For example) The day of your match approached, and you performed really well in the match. You were energetic, active and had everything you were supposed to have in your attitude, but unfortunately your team lost the match against the worst and the laziest team. The oppos
ite team did not practice at all! But your team on the other hand did everything, including practice. You were really dejected. But then your teammate came to encourage and motivate you. He also told you that the journey matters as much as the goal. You thought about what he said and stood up once again. Your team had a match against the team you had a match with the previous time. You knew that the team did not practice at all and was not at all serious about the match. This time your team finally won. You learnt that the previous time the opposite team won by luck. People do sometimes win by luck, I know it's really annoying, but you'll have to accept it! So, maybe people are better than you but always keep in mind that THE JOURNEY MATTERS AS MUCH AS THE GOAL.


  1. True... The journey is always and more important than the goal cos the moment you reach your goal you feel there's nothing ahead. It's the journey that most of the time remember.


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