MetaMoRpHosIs: Can't we celebrate their change? - Poem


How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly?
Is this process painful, because I've never seen them cry? 
 These insects enjoy their lives.
 Though they don't have anybody to talk to
They are an inspiration to the human lives.
But we avoid them, is this nice?
We should cherish and celebrate those moments.
But how do we know, when to?
But still can't we be kind to them?
 But at least celebrate the change? 
How does a tadpole change into a fully grown frog?
I thought about it for a moment
But the answer seemed to be miraculous?
To understand the change, I walked in the attractive garden, the weather was great, because it was spring!
I saw the whole thing.
And did not believe it.
But when I pinched myself, and realized it was real.
I saw myself celebrating their change by dancing with hands up in the air!

Written By- Mishka Gupta


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