one step more...

 one step more...

~some motivation for you?

You are letting the time fly and then you are bewildered that where has the time flown?

after hearing millions of influencing short quotes, you don't find that one which you are hoping to hear while scrolling reels. You feel bad when you misuse time but remain glued with your phone for hours and see others going up high and touching the sky, who are flooded with achievements. You'll definitely say, "This is JUST a phase, it'll go after some time. I sometimes have free and non- busy days, so I also deserve a break." Will you not say that or even think about it once? Yes, you will! Maybe you'll not think about it much but that one minor thought about it will come and leave you the wrong path just like, you wanted to go to Kashmir, but you landed in Pakistan. This example is funny but the situation you are in is not hilarious and until and unless you do get out of the problem by finding it's solution you cannot succeed. The solution is simple, it's in front of your eyes but you are not actually understanding it. 

I hope this piece to advice will somehow impact your life and it will be useful....

thank you for reading!


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