Thoughts behind the poems of SERIES- ~eyes

 SERIES of poems- ~eyes


About- The thoughts behind the Series of poems ~eyes

Hey! I'm sure you did not miss out my latest series of poems ~eyes. It's all about the pulchritudinous eyes I have ever imagined. But my desire is not only writing poems which I only don't understand. My desire is to connect with my readers from some or the other way. 

In the series of poems ~eyes I have covered few thoughts of myself and the people around me who think like me. I have covered them in a poetic way. To make it clear I'm writing to you all about what are the central ides of the poems. 

Here we go!

1. miDnight blUe eyEs

I dove in them in the first sight. 

How can I come back?

Please don't let me drown in this perilous ocean.

It's dark in here, it's blue in here and it's peace in here.

This paragraph is the idea behind the poem. Peace! Peace is something which is lacking in today's words. People are not united and are fighting amongst each other every time.

2. viOlet eYes 

a) Why does the world want to judge everything?

Why do these people have to know about everything?

b) I gaze the globe from these beauteous eyes, I converse the unspoken talks with these eyes.

I tell you about myself from these glamorous eyes.

So, what complaint do you have?

What do I not do from these eyes?

Tell me, tell me from your black sight.

This paragraph from the second poem tells us about the world. Everyone wants to judge every single thing. They do it in forms of statements. Sometimes in forms of compliments and sometimes just rude statements. And we just fake our behavior to them. This is the general behavior of people of today's world mostly. 

3. grEen eyes

I have emerald eyes.

Just like sparkling green lights

Indeed, they are resplendent. 

This paragraph tells about praising one self's beauty and complimenting our own achievements. There's no harm in it.

I hope these poems will be leaving a mark on you!

Thank you!



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