KiNdNesS hAs nO PlAce In tOdAy's wOrLd

Kindness has no Place in today's world!

Kindness, does it hold any significance in today's world? Does it? There are really few folks who cogitate about this word every single day. They desire to do something for the people who don't get that much respect that they should be getting. They want all the citizens of the world to be kind and have a pure heart. Can't we help them in succeeding? A society without respect is a society doomed to failure. It will be lost to chaos, conflict and eventual destruction. People should understand the meaning of kindness. Have you heard the line 'Be kind'? So why don't you follow it? It has become habitual for people, and they don't realize their mistakes at any time. Kindness can bring significant changes in the world. If we want the world to change, we have to change. Kindness is accepting people whom others can't accept. Be kink to all kinds. Kindness is saying sorry when you were wrong. It's not only about saying sorry but putting you best foot forward to change the mindsets of people. Always remember, it's nice to be kind.


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